• The ethics of the rambler
The ethics of the rambler

The ethics of the rambler

The ethics of the rambler

And other reasons to hope

Author: Luis Alfonso Iglesias Pages: 168

In The ethics of the rambler and other reasons to hope the term ethics alludes to the shelter of the human being without having an exclusively tangible manifestation. And hope is built in the hands of memory as we are all ramblers of their territory as we advance towards ourselves, wandering in any place. Perhaps we need to move a little into the past in order to continue moving forward towards the future. The best antidote to laziness proposed by some, and the indecency which others have, lies in the unquestionable capability which we have to be able to walk quietly around what we were, imagining what we will be.

Key facts:

  • A very useful title for Business Administration students or students of other related subjects who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of the business world.
  • The author is one true eminence in both the fields of economics and the business world.


About Luis Alfonso Iglesias

Luis Alfonso Iglesias Huelga (Sotrondio, Asturias) is a Philosophy teacher and has a degree in Geography and History. In 2017 he received the First Prize for the “Diderot” International Essay Award and the Ateneo Riojano Book Prize for his work España, la Ilustración pendiente: la educación que sueña un país (Spain, illustration pending: the education a country dreams of) (Ápeiron Ediciones). He is the co-author of the book Pensar en voz alta (Thinking out loud) (Herder Editorial) together with the philosopher Manuel Cruz.

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